This site is the design and development portfolio for Nicholas Franks.  Here you can view my résumé and check out various professional projects I have worked on in brand strategy, graphic design, software development, and web development fields.  You can also find a few select coding examples, as well as personal projects and designs worked on in my spare time.

My education started at University of Pheonix Online for Information Technology back in 2002.  I moved on to Western International University Online for Business Administration in 2004.  Finally I attended ITT Technical Institute on campus in Memphis, TN for Multimedia and Game Design in 2006.  Since then I have obtained various professional certifications to continue my education and further my experience.

Please feel free to check out other projects I have worked on at the content site links listed in the Find Me Online section, or reach out to me via email or social media accounts and emails listed on the Contact page of this website.  I am always willing to discuss career opportunities and new projects.

Note: I am currently updating this website and all social media accounts with up to date projects and new content.  It’s going to take a bit to get everything in order, so please ignore the mess while I line things up!